Make your business king
Do you need more leads?
Good lead generation starts with a well designed website and includes many factors, User Experience, Optimization, social media, e-blasts, content, links, ads, indexing… the list is long.
We have helped many clients create an Online Marketing Program that generates qualified leads. As building a new website, does not guarantee leads will start coming in.
I created this to help you understand how we can help.
I have to mention, that my kids loved a book called “Gifts” written by Jo Ellen Bogart and illustrated by Barbara Reid, when they were young. It came with a CD that play a song similar to the book. It has stayed with me for years now. It’s a about a child’s grandma travelling the world and bringing back gifts.
In the spirit of this song “Gifts”, I have rearranged to “Leads” as that’s what all business need. It works best if you sing it.
Leads, Leads, wonderful leads is what our websites bring.
Leads, Leads, wonderful leads can make your business king.
Your prospect went e-travelling,
Said “What would you have me Bing?”
“Not much” said I,
“Just a coffee and a pie,
And a recipe with some zing”
Leads, Leads, wonderful leads is what our websites bring.
Leads, Leads, wonderful leads can make your business king.
Your prospect went e-travelling,
Said “What would you have me Bing?”
“Just some running shoes,
Maybe in Blue,
And laces with some bling”
Leads, Leads, wonderful leads is what our websites bring.
Leads, Leads, wonderful leads can make your business king.
Your prospect went e-travelling,
Said “What would you have me Bing?”
“Just a Green Mountain Bike,
That I will like,
And a bell that I can ring”
Leads, Leads, wonderful leads is what our websites bring.
Leads, Leads, wonderful leads can make your business King.
Your prospect went e-travelling,
Said “What would you have me Bing?”
Just something small,
Like a baseball,
To see how far I can fling”
Leads, Leads, wonderful leads is what our websites bring.
Leads, Leads, wonderful leads can make your business king.
I could keep going, but I think you understand. We can help build a lead generation system that will make your business king.
Note: Our online marketing programs are built to work with all search engines including Google, yes it’s the largest search engine, but way to hard to rhyme with Google.
Written by: Cory
Illustrated by: Darryl